Masculine Arts for Asian American Men

I’m Sho-Sho Smith and I am a Chinese-American Sex and Relationship Coach. I specialize in supporting the sex lives of Asian American men. I help train men like you through my Masculine Arts™ Program for a lifelong understanding of women and seduction. For those who are brand new to transformational work, check out my Apprentice Masculine Arts Program, a crash course for beginners.

By Asian American, I mean men of Asian, South Asian and Pacific Islander descent who were born and raised in the U.S., possibly with immigrant parents, or who identify as culturally American but ethnically Asian. This character often has common challenges around love and sex that are specific to being Asian and rooted in what it means to be masculine in America. 

As high achievers in academics, business, career and money, Asian American men often excel at everything they attempt. I am confident that, with the right guidance and support, the same excellence would apply to your sex and relationships with women. (Read testimonials below.)

The Program

The Masculine Arts training program is built around the unique profile of high achieving Asian American men. You most likely have some sexual relationship experience but with mixed results. It’s possible you received little to no solid ethical guidance around sex and love growing up and feel like you’re operating in the dark with women and emotions. Also likely that you feel disconnected from your body, a feeling that affects your sexual confidence and emotional safety. You could benefit from some trustworthy mentorship, expertise on women and a safe space to explore new skills. As my client, you’ll learn and practice important aspects of the Masculine Arts, such as: 

  • How to be the real you vs. the myth of the Asian Nice Guy

  • How to enjoy your body: Asian sexual & masculine presence

  • How to enjoy your emotions: Understanding women & seduction

  • How to allow pleasure not performance be the basis of sex and love 

  • How to set boundaries for the Asian family clan

Our one-on-one, 75-90 minute sessions are dynamic combinations of relationship lab, dating profile and practice, sexual identity, experiential coaching, talk therapy, somatic exercises, racial exploration, grief and shadow work, childhood/family history, mentorship and re-parenting. 

The work is effective. My clients generally see early changes within one week to 3 months and permanent change in 6-12 months. 

The Philosophy

The Masculine Arts approach to women develops your personal integrity, self-respect and ethical action for long-term sexual success. Because it is a direct route to true self-confidence, Masculine Arts is not short-term pickup artistry.

Great sex also requires strong body awareness. However Asian body intelligence is often ignored in favor of the logical mind. Masculine Arts gives you roadmaps and resources to help you unlearn and repattern those behaviors into sex positivity.

Instead of being stuck in your head, you’ll learn how to live in your body and emotions. Both are necessary for healthy sexuality and true connection but are often missing elements in the cultural education of Asian-American men. 

The Team

Because Masculine Arts is based on the idea of the whole person, I provide access to other Asian American coaches of the mind, body and spirit as well. My co-coaches offer support in the areas of sexual body conditioning, Asian masculinity and body confidence, strength training and Olympic weightlifting, family and ancestral healing, assisted psychedelic journeying, racial exploration, Asian-American male mentorship and traditional therapy. 

You might wonder why we care about working with Asian-American men like you. It’s because you are our brothers, fathers and friends. Over the years we have witnessed your loneliness. But even though so many unspoken social, racial and cultural factors impact the riddle of Asian masculinity, you still suffer alone. 

You might have felt isolated before. But now you have a team. Together we can create a new Asian masculinity in America. 


I would love to hear your personal story. The Masculine Arts training can be adapted to your level, whether you’re just beginning your journey in the Apprentice Program or you’re a knowledgeable lover looking to expand his sexual and connection skills. Please contact Sho-Sho for a complimentary 20-minute consultation and assessment.


“I've expanded away from dating just Asians and into a full blown interracial partnership. I’m still feeling my way through the cultural intricacies, ie: racism, that's involved, but I'm also becoming confident that I'm desirable to women of all races. Or perhaps that I'm feeling more confident of what I want and am looking for and race has become much less important. I won't be minimized, I'll dictate my own values, and become the person I want to be. In my understanding, masculinity is knowing what I want and not feeling selfish in asking for it.” — Chris W., 46, Chinese-American, CEO

“I was suffering from serious grief, shock and loss of identity after a very bad break up when I started coaching with Sho-Sho. Rationally I knew I was depressed but my brain was in a flood and I was powerless. I thought I knew my blindspots but I was terrified I would walk into this toxic girlfriend trap again. Sho-Sho helped me get into my body so that I could understand my body signals and map my emotional landscape. I use the tools she taught me all the time, especially when I feel my boundaries being crossed. It’s so surprising that logically my brain doesn't know they're being crossed but my body and emotions do. The best test was when I went on a first date recently but it never turned into a second date. She turned out to be judgmental and critical, but I caught my pattern of how I once would have been a pleaser to someone like her. But not anymore. I also trusted Sho-Sho because she understands poly, kink and spirituality. She really got me. — Ansab A., 36, Pakistani, Programmer   

“I always wanted more intimate experiences but my life was seriously lacking in it. Once I started working with Sho-Sho, we figured out what was going on inside my body that was preventing me from getting intimate. Sho-Sho explained the workings of my body, my mind and my life experience, how together they greatly influence intimacy and overall confidence. Also being from an Asian background, she related to my experience as an Asian American Man in a western society. Now having the newfound knowledge of how my body and mind work, I look forward to combining these elements to tackle life  actively.” — Kevin L., 29, Chinese-American, Landscape Designer